Session Information

We focus on and prefer to photograph individuals and families in familiar settings. As you can see in our gallery, children are our favorite; newborns, babies, toddlers, little big kids, big kids, tweens, teens, and high school seniors. We also enjoy photographing couples, expecting moms, families, and Seniors.

Getting to know you and your family
We will spend some time getting to know you and each member of your family. Getting to know your personality brings out the best in your photographs. We try to keep the session relaxed so that everyone feels comfortable. We want you to feel and look your best naturally.

Photographing children
We really appreciate childrens’ creative spirit. Children are encouraged to play and interact with their siblings in their environment while we photograph to allow their personalities to shine through. We have plenty of time to take lots of interesting images of your children being themselves.

We recommend allowing up to two hours for your child’s photography session and possibly more for newborns. Your session will not be rushed. While we encourage your child to be well rested with a full tummy, if your child becomes restless, we’ll take a short break for a snack, clothing change, location change, or a cuddle from Mommy and Daddy - photographable moments, of course.

Session location, light, and background
We photograph on location at your home or anywhere else that you feel comfortable. Younger children tend to be more relaxed in familiar surroundings. For this reason, your home or yard may be the best choice. The early morning and late afternoon light works best for photographs taken outdoors. Mornings work best for children.

We prefer natural light. Studio lighting will only be used when it seems like the better choice. Newborns are only photographed with natural light to protect their young eyes. No flash for newborns!

Backgrounds may be your choice or our recommendation. Several different backgrounds will be used in your home or on location. If you have a favorite room or view, please let us know. Alternatively, a simple white or black backdrop may also be used, generally in combination with studio lighting. Photoshop will be used, as necessary, to soften the backgrounds and focus on you and your family.